Marvin Heiferman : Photography Changes Everything

     Marvin Heiferman is a well-known writer and curator in the art world; he specially writes about photography and how taking pictures to immortalize moments became so important in our daily lives. Nowadays, most mobile phones are equipped with a camera feature. Heiferman emphasizes on the fact that taking a picture now a necessity and a common practice in our lives. 

    Heiferman's main interest is about capturing the perfect picture to make an impact on the viewers and he stresses on the fact that pictures can also socially arise awareness and deep emotions within the viewers. Like he said "photography changes what we want, what we see and who are are".

    Personally for me, photography is about capturing ephemeral moments in our lifetime but also beautiful landscape ans scenery that we might not get to see again in the future. I agree with Heiferman on the fact that nowaday it's all about the aesthetics. People take random pictures only for the aesthetic and for the beauty, but photography is an art and I believe art is all about freedom of expression. Just like the portrait of a soldier can arise much emotions, the picture of a dying rose can arise the same kind of emotions in viewer. 

    Photography gives us the freedom of visual interpretation. And I completely agree to the fact that even though a picture is a still moment, you can also portray movement and excitement by the way that you take the picture. In conclusion I would say that photography is an interactive experience from the photographer to the viewer and even the model or landscape that is being pictured. It is all about how you see it and how you portray it.


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